Frequently Asked Questions

Hoe much is Shipping? When will I receive my order?

Our product manufacturer calculates the shipping cost. Shipping costs will vary depending on state, region, or country. Expect 7 to 12 days to receive your order.

When will products be in stock?

Product availability depends on manufacture inventory to print the item. We have no control over availability, so keep on checking back.

Return, cancelations or damaged product?

At this time we DO NOT OFFER returns or exchanges. All products are unique and produced only once ordered and order cancelations must be submitted within ONE HOUR of purchase so we can cancel the order before it's sent to production. Once the order is sent to production, the order cannot be canceled. This also means that returns and exchanges are not supported if you order the wrong size, color, or simply changed your mind.

Please read the Return Policy page for details.

What's my size?

Please refer to the sizing chart provided by our manufactuer. Returns and exchanges are not supported if you order the wrong size, color, or simply changed your mind.

Influencer Affiliate Program?

At this time we do not offer an affiliate program. However, any influencer support is highly coveted as we're trying to create a reinvigorated peace movement!